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Monday, 7 February 2011

Lips and Nails

This has been a fun week, with lots of blog to reads, ad some interesting topics. Tina's 'Honesty Hurts' (Read it here  )  threw up a lot of interesting comments, and all those adorable sights on the right (i.e. my blog list) have had interesting bits going on too. Both Tina and Susan have the skill at seeing the important bits behind your writings, and coming up with stuff I hadn't thought of. 

A bit of pressure from Jay this week though - complaints about my lack of leg hair, and that I'm making my nails too girlie. I'm going to show you my hands and nails. OK, I own up to getting them as girlie as possible, but at the moment I'm failing miserably - 'cos' they are nothing like girlie, and the physicality (a nice Strickly Dancing term) of them means they are NEVER going to be girlie. But I can live with that - not that I have any choice, do I , LoL.

Lipstick; I have been carrying on with the practising / experimenting of applying the stuff. I have three lipsticks, two are Rimmel ones, and a third unbranded. Number three leaves very little tell-tale signs on my drinking glass, the Rimmel ones are awful, in that they leave big lip shaped marks behind. So it's not just technique, that helps cover your tracks, the darn things vary too. OK - I'm practicing, so I buy the cheapest, but I hadn't realised how much they vary. I guess I'll have to buy better and more expensive ones, and I still haven't got my lip-liner yet - LoL.

I'm going to be out of net contact, for a few days, but with my new phone, at least I can read all your blogs as you write them. Interestingly, I can read blogs off the phone without raising Jay's suspicions, (so far, LoL) whereas, when I'm on the computer, she suspects I'm up to no good as standard - LoL.

Have fun, Hugs Anna x

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