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Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Xmas 2014

I thought I should drop a post in, and wish everyone a happy Xmas.

If you should be reading this, and you are a Pagan like my son, or any of the non-christian religions, then I wish you lots of fun, in what ever you do, now and for the coming year.

I'm still in the closet. Still happy with the female inside me, but so far back in the closet, that I can't even see the light under the door.

But life isn't that bad really, as I get lots of fun as Bob, doing hobbies and stuff that I share with the lovely Jay. She gets more depressed with Anna, than I get not being outwardly Anna, so I guess it's the best way really.

Happy Xmas and a super 2015 to you all, gay, straits, cisgender or transgender. I hope 2015 brings your goals closer, and you all find happiness one way or another.

Hugs, Anna x