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Friday, 15 January 2010

Split Personalities and Time Sharing

I've seen it written before, that all though we T-girls talk of our time as Bob, or time as Anna, in my case, as though they were separate entities, in reality, they aren't separate - it's the time spent en femme or en Bob that's separate. It does make it easy though for us to explain what is going on in our lives. And what has been going on in my life? - Flikr - that's what. I only added our holiday snaps onto the Bob account so that family and friends could see what we've been up to, and marvel at our superb photos - or not. In truth, I don't believe I'm a great photographer, but I can take great photos at times. Some of my better photos have attracted attention, and of course, I've discovered 'favourites'. Hopping through peoples favourites opens up a wealth of gorgeous photos, and I've now got several contacts whose photos I enjoy viewing. My contacts are virtually all woman photographers, and some have only recently started doing photography, but they take lovely photos. I now check out my account every day to see if they have added new pics.

The problem is, I have been neglecting your blogs. That's a lie, I'm up to-date with your blogs, but I haven't had time to blog hop around your friends blogs, and their friends blogs and - you get the picture. Worse than that - I haven't written my own blog - so you've noticed eh? I've had a part written one in the word processor for days! and it's not this one - LoL.

So what has Anna been up to? Make-up, again. Late yesterday afternoon I put the mascara on - yes, the bright blue one, and my only one to date. In the low level lighting we use, it passed un-noticed, although it looked blatantly obvious when I put it on. I think people only see what they expect to see sometimes. I put the eye shadow on above my eyes now, just a little, but in view. The eye socket overhang keeps that bit shaded, so that's a help - probably that's a cheat too, but what the heck!

The thing with my time sharing, is that doing girlie things has to be spread out. I put the full eye shadow on, plus a load of mascara the other night, and when I was finished and satisfied, it was into the shower, and off it came. If I'm doing make-up, plucking eyebrows or waxing for example, then I can't also get dressed en femme. I'm not complaining, it's just one of those things. Talking about eyebrows, hairs are now growing from previously harvested areas. What is interesting, is that they highlight how much I have raised the bottom limits - nearly a centimetre. Just as well it's the centimetre under the overhang, and only becomes obvious when I raise my eyebrows in amazement.

I had a lovely Xmas by the way, with a few sad periods where I would have loved to have shouted - Hey kids, I'm really a girl. To be fair, that didn't ruin Xmas as we had lots of fun. I like to use my feminine side as much as possible, but no one seemed to notice when I did. You know the kind of thing, lounging girlie style, saying things with a girly lilt, under dressing, the eye shadow of course - but being en Bob can cover a multitude of delights.

There is possibly another reason no one notices - but I'm not going there - LoL.

Hugs and best wishes to you all, Anna x

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